Weekend of Prayer Over Students Across Tennessee
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
The 1st Weekend of August each year is proclaimed as the statewide Weekend of Prayer Over Students Across Tennessee. At the request of First Priority, The TN State Legislators and Governor Bill Haslam signed it into law on April 24th, 2015. First Priority, Moms in Prayer, local churches and others work to coordinate prayer for our schools, students, teachers, staff and administrators during this weekend as school begins each year.
Praying for the students in our state is not just a privilege…it’s a necessity. Students live in a tough world! Each day, students are subjected to literally thousands of offensive images and words. They also face an enormous amount of peer pressure to become part of what is considered normal by the world’s standards. Without prayer, these students will not be able to stand against the insurmountable odds they will face from childhood until they leave this world. Will you join us in praying for our students?
We would like to invite you to get involved!
There are multiple ways you, your church and community can get involved with the Tennessee Weekend of Prayer Over Students. The following are just a few:
- Organize a Campus Prayer Walk at your local school. If you would like to help coordinate prayer at a school near you, please contact us at haleywherry@me.com
- Contact the principals of your local schools to let them know that your church is praying for their schools. Ask for a list of faculty members so that your church can pray for each of them by name.‘
- Plan a 24-hour prayer vigil in your community.
- Join a Moms in Prayer Group and impact our students and schools for Christ. For more information about Moms in Prayer visit www.momsinprayer.org.
Commit now to join with other parents and concerned adults to pray over students, teachers, school administrators and support staff, and schools on during the first weekend of August each year. We have numerous resources to help you, your church and community get involved.